curadoria: Raphael Fonseca
expografia: Tiago Cadete  
For this exhibition curator Raphael Fonseca looked for artists with an interest in a critical articulation between the past and the present. He says, "All of the artists in this project are interested in raising questions about the relations between the historical past and the present. How can the past affect the present and how can contemporary art practice transform historical documents in very different kinds of narratives? What are the relations between macro and micro history?"

"The artists here have interests in important topics like immigration and refuge, the relation between documents and historical truth, the borders between historical and fictional writings and the tension between national histories and familial anecdotes."

The title of the exhibition is based on a quote from “Betwixt and Between” by the Nobel Prize winning writer Albert Camus. Recalling the difficulties of his early life in Algeria Camus wrote "I was placed halfway between the misery and the sun. Misery kept me from believing that all was well under the sun, and the sun taught me that history isn't everything".
